Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Media and Press Regulation Needed for the good of the Country

 By Chuck Marshall

Bias Has Got to Stop - Muzzling *Mad King George 

     I’ve avoided the news for the last 3 ½ half years because I couldn’t stomach such an incompetent President as President Joe Biden- running our country.  I especially avoided MSNBC (or is it MSDNC?) and CNN, both of whom have given full throttled support for the Democrats and leftist philosophy.   Joe Biden was a bumbling, narrow minded liberal when he was young,  so an older Joe Biden running the country could only be exponentially worse.  How would I sleep at night ?  Now I find out that I should not have worried because most of the media diligently hid any flaws that President Biden exhibited- his incompetence was cloaked in their media frenzy to justify spooking the public away from Trump in the election.  Unfortunately for them, there was a live debate in which Biden’s incompetence could no longer be hidden- now there it is for all to see.  What to do ?   

     As I write this Joe Biden has announced he is not running for reelection and he is endorsing his VP Kamala Harris.  So, we will see who the Democrats go with, but you can rest assured that once it's decided the legacy media will give that person full support., whether they deserve it or not.   Is this serving the public, taking sides in politics ?  Doesn't "taking sides" make them a power unto themselves ?  The media has enormous power and their pandering to a particular side in politics should move them into a much more regulated group.  They have ignored Joe Biden's incompetence and famously acted as a lapdog to President Obama.  This is unacceptable.  There must be accountability when their actions threaten the future and safety of our country through biased attention that does not ask hard questions of the left side of the government.  

     What would this look like ?  I'm not exactly sure, but I would imagine it could be a mix of regulations that would require all mass media corporations to evenly cover the politics of our country.   Talking heads from the Democrats, Republican, and Independents on every national news group.   Required debates between leading politicians that offer a view to thinking on both sides of the political spectrum.  It also seems like it would be much more entertaining to hear both sides and to understand each other's thinking.  It could only do good for all of us to hear each other in civilized and fair debate.  We're never going to agree on all- but we can work towards a more happy and prosperous society with a diversity of opinions.  

 In My Humble Opinion. 

  *Mad King George is my word for the Deep State and all its minions  -  Government Agencies, Academia, Hollywood, Legacy Media and International Conglomerates.  

Sunday, October 17, 2021

All The World's a Victim

 By Chuck Marshall


The Badge of Honor for Virtue Signaling Dilettantes 

     Here in the days of incompetence, (that seem unending with their recurrence of abundant stupidity as society grovels down to the lowest levels to make itself feel better about itself),  there is a common thread that ties the stupidity together in a nice, neat bow;  Victimhood.  

     Everywhere you go there are new victims to be coddled for the benefit of MKG (*Mad King George) to electrify the masses so that they should drop everything and change their lives and their minds to offer up themselves as being sympathetic to MKG's flavor of the month.  Virtue Signaling is the national fad.   Be it mask wearing, vaccine taking, climate change, gender identity, minorities, women, sexual preference,  pregnant women, unpregnant women, childless women, black women, latina women, asian women (and all their male counterparts but to a less extent),  atheists, Muslims, Buddhists, New Age Crystal worshipers, numerologists- and I could go on for a page or two.  All of  it needs attention and sympathy or you're a slime bag for not offering it up in full throttle support.   You're being anti "XYZ" !!!  "You're a racist! " The answer to help these poor pitiful victims, is of course,  within our marvelous Federal government (the crown jewel of MKG) and all its might and glory and trillions of dollars.  (never mind that these trillions don't actually exist- but that's for another blog)  

      Some aspects of these situations are really problems, but it becomes less important as the mob demands full support and any questions whatsoever are glared at as racist, homophobic, anti-science, anti-minority, etc....  You get the picture !  Any time questions are not permitted regarding a topic, then I know that's where the trouble lies.  MKG continues to grow in power and importance because he knows the vulnerabilities of the people and their tendency to want to fix a problem.   He also knows that virtue signaling is the easiest way to look as if he's exerting effort, even when he's not.   The Age of Incompetence dictates that any problem can only be fixed by MKG.  Any other options are not worth pursuing.  So don't even try. 

    The reality is that compromise and discussion and answering ALL questions and concerns of ALL the people is where the solutions lie.  It's not just the victims and their virtue signaling dilettantes that should hold the power of decisions and public discussion.  Attention must be paid to the questions, and often these questions are held by the majority of the people but they're afraid to ask for the tyranny of MKG.   The reality is ALL Americans are victims of an incompetent and useless government that has become incapable of leading or governing and is beholden to the powerful and moneyed and all Mad King George's minions in the media, Hollywood, academia, etc...  

In My Humble Opinion.....

**Mad King George is my label for the ruling class.  This includes the federal government, the two party system of elections,  mainstream media, the political parties themselves, big corporate,  Hollywood, government lobbyists, and academia.   All the pigs at the trough, in other words.  Much like our forefathers fought off Mad King George and his pandering, tyrannical ways we can dream of removing the heads of these stuffed shirts, corporate elites, government bureaucrats and virtue signaling ass-wipes.  

Thursday, September 23, 2021

"Vaccine" Passports and Other Orwellian Concepts

 By Chuck Marshall 

 I wrote a blog on the vaccine back in the spring when it was still in its infancy as a topic of our current historic times that I refer to as the "Age of Incompetence" (or "L'age De l'incompetence in French because everything sounds better in French).  That was the blog where I introduced the concept of "Mad King George".   MKG is simply an easier way of listing out the usual culprits behind the weirdness of the lying mass media and our gargantuan  government beholden to the large corporations and foreign countries.  This group includes Hollywood and their orgy of self-importance and all manner of modern "virtue signaling" that lays blame for all failure on anyone who succeeds (this includes anyone going back to the beginning of human history).   Above all, of course, it's the dingbat political parties and their never-ending war and refusal to compromise on anything other than national holidays or on how many trillions of our dollars  they will be spending this month.  Mad King George.  But really,  "Mad King George" is a label I came up with because of my interest in history and our revolution that established Liberty as an essential part of being human.  In retrospect, I think Big Brother fits the bill better with regard to ideas like the vaccine passports, etc.. Big Brother has more the sense of the ruling class watching us and making our decisions for us "for the common good".  Mad King George may be too nice for this group.  

     So, anyway I wanted to address the vaccine news to be more current because it has gotten even dumber than when I wrote the first blog so I need to "update the stupidity" as it were.   

     1)  NYC has restricted citizens from eating in restaurants or working out in gyms unless they can prove they've been vaccinated. The good news, I guess,  is that restaurants and gyms are open at all !  

    2)  President Biden has demanded that all US Companies with more than 100 employees require all their employees get vaccinated or be terminated.  "My body, my choice"  does not apply to so called "vaccines" but does apply to unborn children.  It gets confusing if you think about it, so Big Brother would prefer you not think about it.  

    3)  After discussing the vaccine for many months it has revealed itself as the world's first vaccine that is not a vaccine.  It does not prevent you from getting the virus but it does keep you from getting really sick.  Okay, so everyone should get the vaccine but pay no attention to the fact that it's not really a vaccine.  *Note-  I did get the vaccine and I DID get sick with COVID19.  

    4)  If you did not know,  you should be aware that the Pharmaceutical companies that produce the "vaccines" are not liable if something should go wrong with the "vaccines".  That, coupled with the fact that the "vaccine" has NOT been approved by the FDA except in cases of an "emergency" turns this vaccine into history's largest experiment with the human population all while the entire world is watching.    It's "probably Okay", they tell us.  All this at the great urgency of left leaning government leaders and their cheerleaders in the mainstream media.  

    5)  If you decide you don't want to get the vaccine because you are concerned about the risks of getting it you're out of luck.  The government and all the ruling class have deemed it essential you take the vaccine or millions will die because of your thoughtlessness.  But, I thought the vaccine was to prevent them from dying ?  There I go again, thinking it through.  Sorry Big Brother ! 


     In conclusion, the meaning of liberty is to be able to make decisions for yourself and your family that you feel are best for you given your beliefs, concerns while weighing the risks of taking the action or not taking the action.  That's Democracy.  That's the people making the decision.   The chance of getting on an airplane and catching COVID19 from another passenger and then dying are 1 in 60,000.  The chances of dying in a car accident in your lifetime are 1 in 115.  I understand putting on a seat belt, but I don't get forcing the entire world's population to take a "vaccine" that is unproven, that won't actually prevent you from getting the virus for something that is less dangerous than driving in a car on any given day.  The chances you or I will get cancer in our lifetime are 1 in 7.   One in 60,000 VS 1 in 7.  That's a statistic worth paying attention to.  Our lifestyle decisions to prevent cancer are significantly more important than all the rabble about this vaccine.  But, at the end of the day, that doesn't get headlines 'nor fatten the pockets of pharmaceuticals, 'nor give our government and media another chance to instruct us on how to live our lives.  It gives them no control over us and so is therefor, of no interest. 

In My Humble Opinion.  

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Media in Withdrawal- 2017 AND IT'S BAD

DT gives them the DT's 
By Chuck Marshall 

     This year, 2017 has been a shocker for all of us.   Donald Trump was sworn in as  president of the United States and although I voted for Gary Johnson, I must admit having a certain glee in watching the MSM (mainstream media) go into hyperventilation over the election of DT.  They simply CANNOT get over it.

     I have a theory regarding all this.  I believe, think and feel that the MSM was so addicted to abusing Republican politicians, and Presidents in particular, that when DT became President they thought it would be bashing as usual.  After winning the coveted office,  they thought Trump would retreat into the White House and "become more presidential".  Their version of this for Republican Presidents is to  bend over and take it from the MSM and their superior way of looking at things.  When DT did not cooperate in this regard there was a significant amount of Delirium Tremons emanating from the gang at CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, etc...  The consequence was a mass hysteria the likes of which I've never seen before in my entire 54 years.   Outrageous stories with gaping holes of logic.  Obvious opinions presented as facts.  A complete lack of consideration and even open disdain for any idea from the right.   A near total lack of logic and reason and a bankruptcy of ideals and morals.  The consequence is a disgraceful lack of journalistic values that should include searching for and revealing the truth.  Revealing the truth and following differing opinions is their purpose.  THEY are not the story, 'nor should they be.

         I do hope they get the help they need.  They should dry out, clear their heads, sharpen their pencils and consider the delights of looking for and writing about the truth of all matters,  regardless of their political slant.  A quote from Voltaire, the french philosopher that has always shined to me as crucial to democracy "I disapprove of what you say,  but I will defend to the death your right to say it".  The MSM is so attached to the left that they don't see issues with the clarity that is required.  Any opinions from  the right side of political thought in our country- most especially if the argument is a good one- are left out  completely.  This is a very serious problem right now.   To all the MSM I say;  Get off  your lazy asses and consider working for the American people in general, not the Democratic party in particular.  You'll feel much better for it.   For now, enjoy the holidays but beware that  I will be challenging your baloney stories in 2018 with great intensity.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Sanctuary Cities Make for Arbitrary Justice

By Chuck Marshall

      Its been only in the last year or so that we've all become familiar with "Sanctuary Cities" as they refer to themselves.  Most readers are familiar with these places where illegal immigrants can go to hide from the federal government.  It's an interesting phenomenon in response to Donald Trump's utterances that all illegal immigrants should be shipped back to their home countries.

     I'm sort of excited at the prospect of "Sanctuary Cities" because I would imagine they are not only willing to take immigrants who broke the law but the rest of us as well.    My intention might now be to go ahead and evade my income taxes, commit fraud against my employer, defraud my insurance company, and while I'm at it maybe rob a bank !  Now there are no consequences because I can go hide in a sanctuary city or a sanctuary university so the bad men won't come get me.

     I jest, of course, but who decides what laws bring about "sanctuary" and which do not ?   If you're  going to hide those that break the law then who is empowered to wave their magic wand and "protect" those that are breaking the law.  Which people ?  Which laws ?   That's quite a bit of power you're giving civil servants that is not listed or outlined in the Constitution and is not sanctioned by the population in an election.  It's one thing to "not enforce" laws such as marijuana, etc... but it's quite a different thing when you are obstructing the law.  This seems like "common sense" to me.

     I have no idea what the solution is to  the masses of illegal immigrants we have in our country, but "In My Humble Opinion" sanctuary cities are violation of our constitution and an affront to our democracy,   These cities should receive the most severe consequences if they refuse to follow the laws set forth by the people otherwise we risk weakening all other laws as bureaucrats take it upon themselves to harbor those that break the law- whatever that law might be, perhaps laws that are troublesome to them personally ?     Invented justice as decided by individuals and governments and Universities and municipalities is not true justice, it is arbitrary nonsense and the individuals responsible  should be incarcerated for "aiding and abetting" or as an accessory to criminal behavior.

In My Humble Opinion

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

My Other Blog

Dear loyal readers,

     I have decided to restore my old title "Chuck Marshall's Humble Opinion" of which Marshall in the Middle is the new name.  I'm not removing "Marshall in the Middle"., I'm simply changing the name of "Journal of an American Malcontent" using my old title for MIM,  Why?   Well, for one thing this is my blog and I can do whatever I want.  Also, I've decided I really miss the title and I think it has legs.  This blog will include the same thing as "Marshall in the Middle" but if there's something going on that's not political then I want to address it.  In other words, I don't want to be hung up on politics all the time., and everyone should know my opinion on other topics .....why deny them ?

Your American spokesperson for logic and rationality in this, our "Age of Incompetence"

Chuck Marshall

Thursday, June 18, 2015

I Identify as a Rich White Man

Image result for rachel dolezal

Recently there has been a lot of controversy over the head of the NAACP - their Spokane, WA branch (I guess you call them branches?).  Her name is Rachel Dolezal., and she has been keeping a dark secret.   To explain briefly to my less informed readers (ignorance is bliss, so I don't blame you!) Here's what's going on;   This lady (she does identify as a woman- just to be clear on that part) was recently fired from her position as the head of the Spokane, WA NAACP, er.. branch.  Her crime?  She was claiming to be black but she's actually a closeted white person.  What ?  I've included a picture of her above so all my loyal readers can see what all the fuss is about.  The picture on the left is her  as a child and on the right as a fully evolved African American woman you see on the right.   What's even more shocking ?  She was outed by her parents- who ALSO are white ?   What?  Yes, it turns out that she has had these feelings since she was 5 years old and is now telling the world about them.  That's quite a secret she's been hiding from everybody !  Anyway, she went on Good Morning America and got it all off her chest so now I think we need to understand her predicament and show some humanity.  (By the way she told Matt Lauer that she has been treated "inhumanely" -through all this controversy - I guess especially by her adopted brothers and sisters in the African American community, but not sure about that.  Anyway, she has been treated "inhumanely")

At the core of all this is what Rachel told Matt Lauer, when he asked her in his usual overly dramatic tone;  "are you an African American woman?"., she replied that she "identified" as one.  So.... ergo my title.   Since Bruce Jenner can identify as a woman and then become one and Rachel Dolezal can identify as a black woman and then become one... I've decided that I no longer identify with my middle class financial status.  All my life I've felt like something is wrong with me.  I'm not in the right situation, I struggle with money and that just doesn't feel right.  Something is terribly wrong.  Now I realize, I identify as a Rich White Man !   Now after all these years I can come to terms with my true identify, who I truly am.   If my readers and/ or the media can pick up on this and quickly notify my bank about my confusion then I would appreciate it.  Hurry  !  (You can email me at chuckmarshallwork@gmail.com for my bank account number.)   The good news is I don't identify as a Rich Black Woman so I think me ratcheting down the complexity of my request makes it much more doable.  I only want to change the financial part., far easier than the other two !  I would also appreciate a good counselor I can speak with to  guide me through this transition, one who can hold my hand, help me come to terms with the horror I've been living as a middle class American and maybe also assist with choosing  the best stock and bond portfolio.   I'm getting all sweaty just thinking back and realizing from my youth.... even on the potty, I remember my Mom giving me store brand toilet paper... I wanted Scotts  !   Struggling with money is just not me !   I think its taken a lot of courage and self -reflection for me  to come to this conclusion.  I have to stop writing now because I'm getting my computer all wet with the tears of joy and sadness as I move forward in my transition.  One final thing though, is Kenneth Cole still chic or is that the remnants of my bourgeoisie upbringing?

 Have a Nice Day   :)