Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Media and Press Regulation Needed for the good of the Country

 By Chuck Marshall

Bias Has Got to Stop - Muzzling *Mad King George 

     I’ve avoided the news for the last 3 ½ half years because I couldn’t stomach such an incompetent President as President Joe Biden- running our country.  I especially avoided MSNBC (or is it MSDNC?) and CNN, both of whom have given full throttled support for the Democrats and leftist philosophy.   Joe Biden was a bumbling, narrow minded liberal when he was young,  so an older Joe Biden running the country could only be exponentially worse.  How would I sleep at night ?  Now I find out that I should not have worried because most of the media diligently hid any flaws that President Biden exhibited- his incompetence was cloaked in their media frenzy to justify spooking the public away from Trump in the election.  Unfortunately for them, there was a live debate in which Biden’s incompetence could no longer be hidden- now there it is for all to see.  What to do ?   

     As I write this Joe Biden has announced he is not running for reelection and he is endorsing his VP Kamala Harris.  So, we will see who the Democrats go with, but you can rest assured that once it's decided the legacy media will give that person full support., whether they deserve it or not.   Is this serving the public, taking sides in politics ?  Doesn't "taking sides" make them a power unto themselves ?  The media has enormous power and their pandering to a particular side in politics should move them into a much more regulated group.  They have ignored Joe Biden's incompetence and famously acted as a lapdog to President Obama.  This is unacceptable.  There must be accountability when their actions threaten the future and safety of our country through biased attention that does not ask hard questions of the left side of the government.  

     What would this look like ?  I'm not exactly sure, but I would imagine it could be a mix of regulations that would require all mass media corporations to evenly cover the politics of our country.   Talking heads from the Democrats, Republican, and Independents on every national news group.   Required debates between leading politicians that offer a view to thinking on both sides of the political spectrum.  It also seems like it would be much more entertaining to hear both sides and to understand each other's thinking.  It could only do good for all of us to hear each other in civilized and fair debate.  We're never going to agree on all- but we can work towards a more happy and prosperous society with a diversity of opinions.  

 In My Humble Opinion. 

  *Mad King George is my word for the Deep State and all its minions  -  Government Agencies, Academia, Hollywood, Legacy Media and International Conglomerates.  

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